Še en teden treningov z lastno težo ter enakih zajtrkov in (skoraj) malic v službi. Je bil zelo stresen teden v službi in zato tudi nekompliciranje pri hrani - ni pomembno, da je enako ali skoraj enako kot prejšnje dni, glavno da je okusno.
Ponedeljek, 12.9.2016
2 x:
1A) Squat with T squeeze - 20 x
1B) Hip thrusts - 20 x
1C) T pushups - 5 x / side (alt)
1D) Duck unders - 10 x / side (alt)
rest 30 secs
4 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to pushup (L/R) - 5 x / leg
2B) Plank to pushup (L/R) - 10 x / side
2C) Sprinter start with knee up (L/R) - 20 x / leg
2D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
2E) Y Squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
rest 30 secs
1A) Squat with T squeeze - 20 x
1B) Hip thrusts - 20 x
1C) T pushups - 5 x / side (alt)
1D) Duck unders - 10 x / side (alt)
rest 30 secs
4 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to pushup (L/R) - 5 x / leg
2B) Plank to pushup (L/R) - 10 x / side
2C) Sprinter start with knee up (L/R) - 20 x / leg
2D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
2E) Y Squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
rest 30 secs
* add 1 rep in each round
celotni trening = 52:17
celotni trening = 52:17
Psyllium husk pancakes
Omleta, solata (bučke, paradižnik, olivno olje, kis)
Sladoled pri Čebelici
Torek, 13.9.2016
Brez treninga
Paradižnik, paprika, olive, Rio mare skuša na žaru, kis
Bograč (malo pozneje še preostanek), zeljna solata
Ego quark, whey, led, voda, protein crispies
Sreda, 14.9.2016
6 x:
1A) Bodyweight Squat - 25 x
1B) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1C) Pushup - 10 x
1D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
1E) SB Jackknifes - 15 x
1F) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1G) SB Leg Curl - 25 x
1H) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
1A) Bodyweight Squat - 25 x
1B) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1C) Pushup - 10 x
1D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
1E) SB Jackknifes - 15 x
1F) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1G) SB Leg Curl - 25 x
1H) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
Rest 30 secs
* every two rounds add 1 rep
Celotni trening = 55:28
Psyllium husk pancake
Bučka na žaru, paradižnik, Rio mare skuša na žaru, oljčno olje, kis
Enolončnica iz zelja in mletega mesa
Kos maminega skutnega zavitka
Beljakovinski puding s sladko smetano
Četrtek, 15.9.2016
4 x:
1A) TBX - 20 x
1B) SCREACH - 10 x / side
1C) Y squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
1D) Pushups - 10 x
1E) Switch lunge - 10 x / side
4 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to curtsy squat - 6 x / side
2B) Super prisoner squat - 1 x
2C) Pushups - 6 x
2D) Spiderman climb - 6 x / side
4 x:
3A) Walkout to pushup - 6 x
3B) Mountain climber - 12 x / side
3C) TBX - 24 x
Celotni trening = 1:02:12
Psyllium husk pancake
Paradižnik, jajčevci na žaru, olive, Rio mare skuša na žaru, kis
Polnjene paprike
Beljakovinski puding s sladko smetano
Petek, 16.9.2016
2 x:
1A) Squat with T squeeze - 20 x
1B) Hip thrusts - 20 x
1C) T pushups - 5 x / side (alt)
1D) Duck unders - 10 x / side (alt)
rest 30 secs
5 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to pushup (L/R) - 5 x / leg
2B) Plank to pushup (L/R) - 10 x / side
2C) Sprinter start with knee up (L/R) - 20 x / leg
2D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
2E) Y Squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
rest 30 secs
1A) Squat with T squeeze - 20 x
1B) Hip thrusts - 20 x
1C) T pushups - 5 x / side (alt)
1D) Duck unders - 10 x / side (alt)
rest 30 secs
5 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to pushup (L/R) - 5 x / leg
2B) Plank to pushup (L/R) - 10 x / side
2C) Sprinter start with knee up (L/R) - 20 x / leg
2D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
2E) Y Squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
rest 30 secs
* add 1 rep in each round
celotni trening = 1:01:07
celotni trening = 1:01:07
Psyllium husk pancake
Paradižnik, bučke na žaru, olive, Rio mare skuša na žaru, kis
Kepica sladoleda
Zeljna solata, tatarski biftek na Probody kruhu (3)
Pumpkin roll muffin (1)
Sobota, 17.9.2016
6 x:
1A) Bodyweight Squat - 25 x
1B) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1C) Pushup - 10 x
1D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
1E) SB Jackknifes - 15 x
1F) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1G) SB Leg Curl - 25 x
1H) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
1A) Bodyweight Squat - 25 x
1B) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1C) Pushup - 10 x
1D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
1E) SB Jackknifes - 15 x
1F) Band assisted pull up - 3 x*
1G) SB Leg Curl - 25 x
1H) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
Rest 30 secs
* every two rounds add 1 rep
3 x:
2A) SB Jackknifes - 15 x
2B) SB Leg Curl - 25 x
No rest
Celotni trening = 58:07
Psyllium husk pancake
Goveja juha s korenčkom, lazanja iz jajčevcev
Bučni mufin
Tatarski biftek na koruznem toastu, zeljna solata
Bučni mufin, 2 žlički Whey more nuts
Nedelja, 18.9.2016
2 x:
1A) Squat with T squeeze - 20 x
1B) Hip thrusts - 20 x
1C) T pushups - 5 x / side (alt)
1D) Duck unders - 10 x / side (alt)
rest 30 secs
5 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to pushup (L/R) - 5 x / leg
2B) Plank to pushup (L/R) - 10 x / side
2C) Sprinter start with knee up (L/R) - 20 x / leg
2D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
2E) Y Squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
rest 30 secs
1A) Squat with T squeeze - 20 x
1B) Hip thrusts - 20 x
1C) T pushups - 5 x / side (alt)
1D) Duck unders - 10 x / side (alt)
rest 30 secs
5 x:
2A) Single leg walkout to pushup (L/R) - 5 x / leg
2B) Plank to pushup (L/R) - 10 x / side
2C) Sprinter start with knee up (L/R) - 20 x / leg
2D) Band assisted chin up - 5 x*
2E) Y Squat with miniband overhead - 20 x
rest 30 secs
* add 1 rep in each round
celotni trening = 59:49
celotni trening = 59:49
Goveja juha z mesom (rebra)
Lazanja s čudežnimi testeninami in lososom
Detour bar
Goveja juha z mesom (rebra)
Čokoladne palačinke s skuto (Ego quark) in sladko smetano
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